2 decades of being in an abusive relationship…with Windows

Windows 7 was like that one friend you made during a summer vacation when you were younger. Everything was going well until everyone told you that you had to pack up and upgrade to the real world and leave the past behind. So you did and made new friends but nothing ever really felt the […]

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Reborn is DEAD to me!

Valve released an unfinished game, point. I felt like I was cheated on as a DotA player for about 10 years. I honestly just wanted to feel valued by Valve with a new and exciting UI and my beloved custom games which had me nostalgic for Warcraft 3 battle.net days (where people with 1mb/s up/down hosted […]

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Meet BoerRepublic: He’s most played hero is weaver. Occasionally he enjoys a nice treant support and boast a 90% win-rate with PA. He is a calm and collected player that never gets angry. Meet Clive Cronje: Kind hearted guy. He will never decline a braai, although he usually only have braai-broodjies. Loves outdoors and occasional […]